2020–2016 | 2015–2011 | 2010–2006 | 2005–2001 | 2000–1999
- 28/01/2025: Matthew Armanasco starts his PhD in the QT Lab today, joining us from a L3Harris. Welcome aboard Matthew!
- 03/01/2025: Andrew appeared on the BBC Radio 4 programme The Future Seekers: "Caroline Steel meets a group of people who spend their lives in two time zones. One, the normal heartbeat of humanity. The other, closer to eternity. … These are the future seekers—humans of the past and present attempting to transcend the limitations of their own lifetimes". Full disclosure, Andrew is discussing things pitch, not things quantum, so if you are still interested go listen here!
- 18/10/2024: We are looking for two PhD students to join our project on Energy-efficient artificial intelligence using quantum technologies. If this sounds interesting please contact Markus to arrange a time for a chat. Closing date is 25 October, so get cracking!
- 07/10/2024: We are looking to hire a Research Fellow in Applied Quantum Technologies to join our team! If this sounds interesting please feel free to contact Andrew to arrange a time for a chat. Applications close 3 November at 23:00 Brisbane time.
- 01/10/2024: Melvee George starts her PhD in the QT Lab today, joining us from a Masters at the University of Madras. Welcome aboard Melvee!
- 01/10/2024: William Gunn starts his PhD in the QT Lab today, joining us from Honours in the University of Queensland. Welcome aboard Will!
- 12/08/2024: There is a fascinating article in Forbes today on PsiQuantum: Why the Australian government is betting almost a billion dollars on these founders. The article is packed with interviews with scientists, venture capitalists, and technologists—including Andrew—and some lovely history and anecdotes. Most highly recommended.
- 12/07/2024: Our paper on Highly efficient storage of cavity SPDC single photons in room temperature gradient echo memory, appeared today in APL Quantum. This is from a longstanding collaboration with the amazing quantum optics team at the Australian National University. Congratulations to one and all, but particularly for Anthony and Sara for their very long hours—months, years...—of hard thought and work. If you haven't read it yet, go check it out now!
- 11/07/2024: Many congratulations to Emerald Gaydon, who tonight received both her B.Sc. and her B.Sc. (Hons), as well as being the 2024 winter Valedictorian and giving a quite wonderful, thoughtful, and gracious speech at the Graduation Ceremony. Cheers from the whole team Emerald, and we look forward to seeing what you will do next!
- 13/06/2024: To support the implementation of the Queensland Quantum and Advanced Technologies Strategy, in this week's state budget the Queensland government announced $89.7M funding over 5 years, from 2023–24 to 2027–28. This afternoon the government announced four Quantum and Advanced Technology Programs that open today: the $20M Commercialisation Infrastructure Program (QCIP), closing 29 July; the $15M Co-Investment Program (QATCIP), continuously assessed; the $10M Quantum Decarbonisation Mission, closing 22 July; the $5M Quantum 2032 Challenge, closing 22 July; and the $3.81M Quantum and Advanced Technologies Talent Building Program, closing 11 July. Exciting times: now everyone, hop to it!
- 07/06/2024: Following on from 2005's World Year of Physics (aka the Einstein Year), and 2015's International Year of Light, today the United Nations proclaimed 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology.
This year-long, worldwide initiative will celebrate the contributions of quantum science to technological progress over the past century, raise global awareness of its importance to sustainable development in the 21st century, and ensure that all nations have access to quantum education and opportunities.
Bring it on! - 26/05/2024: SBS News interviewed Andrew today regarding PsiQuantum establishing the world's first utility-scale quantum computer in Brisbane, The future of computing could become Queensland's secret superpower. It's only 4 minutes long so if you have a couple of moments, check it out!
- 23/05/2024: Our paper on Precisely determining photon-number in real-time, appeared today in Quantum. Congratulations to the team for outstanding results: resolving photon-number up to n=16 and achieving up to parts-per-billion discrimination for low photon numbers on the fly. Amazing! We dedicate this paper to our friend and co-author, the late Sae Woo Nam.
- 03/05/2024: An article in today's Australian claims that from July 2022 Andrew was hired by Queensland Treasury. This is false. Had the journalists checked with Andrew, or with Queensland Treasury, they would have known that Andrew provided unpaid advice to the Queensland government as part of his service role at the University of Queensland. (Australian academics typically split their time 40/40/20 between teaching, research, and service). For any journalist reading this, all the folk at the QT Lab are very happy to talk by phone or correspond in writing, and our contact details can quickly be found on this site! As for the Senior Reporter and Chief Political Correspondent: do better next time.
- 02/05/2024: Long-time friend of the lab—and colleague, and co-author!—Tom Stace, has a thoughtful take on Tuesday's exciting news: My 2 cents on Australia's 100 giga-cent investment in PsiQuantum.
- 30/04/2024: Exciting news! Today the Australian and Queensland governments announced a $940 million investment into PsiQuantum, a company co-founded by our very own QT Lab alum Professor Jeremy O'Brien and UQ alum Professor Terry Rudolph. For details see the transcript of the press conference. We look forward to the establishment of a utility-scale quantum computer in Brisbane, and many years of scientific collaboration between PsiQuantum and researchers all over Australia!
- 02/04/2024: A very big welcome to Daniel Long, who starts his PhD today, fresh from London. Looking forward to working with you Dan—can't wait to find out what we will discover together!
- 25/03/2024: Abhishek Roy join us today from Macquarie University, starting a six-month research visit. Welcome aboard Abhishek, and here's to many fun days in the lab!

- 18/12/2023: Many congratulations to Dr Sarah Lau and Dr Leo Assis, who were awarded their PhDs today at the December Graduation Ceremony! It was a privilege to work with you both, and we look forward to seeing what you do next!
- 4/10/2023: At today's State of the State address, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk launched Queensland's Quantum and Advanced Technologies Strategy. This 76M investment is the largest by any Australian government to date, and will harness Queensland’s expertise in quantum and advanced technologies for accelerated economic growth and transformative solutions to some of our most pressing challenges. Read the strategy now!
- 04/09/2023: Long-time friend of the lab, collaborator, and co-author Dr Agata Branczyk has launched a new podcast—Physicists in the Wild—that interviews physicists who have turned their PhD training into diverse and often unconventional careers. Her very first guest is the QT Lab's former PhD student Rohan Dalton! It's wonderful to hear them both: check out the interview and find out how bumping into a mate in the Valley led to New York and beyond.
- 14/06/2023: Join the Second Quantum Revolution, bringing together Queensland's leaders in quantum technology and industry to shape the future of our sector, at The Precinct, Brisbane.
- 03/05/2023: Andrew was in Canberra today at Nomad Atomics for the launch of the National Quantum Strategy. This identifies the key areas that government needs to focus on to support the growth of a strong quantum industry and capability, and will scale up through the next 7 years to 2030. Let the hard work begin!
- 13/03/2023: It is a great pleasure to welcome back—courtesy of stints in Scotland and Australia—Markus Rambach who joins the QT Lab today as a Senior Postdoc working on neuromorphic and quantum technologies. The next few years are going to be a blast!

- 08/12/2022: The lab's first paper with colleagues from Vietnam, Certification of photon Fock states using second-order nonlinearity, appeared today in Physical Review A. Congratulations Dat, Marcelo, and Nguyen: what a great way to end the year!
- 01/12/2022: In today's Nature Physics Andrew has a News & Views article discussing the clever new experiment from the Szameit group, Not commuting around Hilbert space. Integrated photonics for the win!
- 28/10/2022: Exciting news: we are offering two five-year Research Fellowships in Quantum Technologies and Neuromorphic Computing, one here in Brisbane at the Quantum Technology Lab, and the other working in Sydney with Professor Sven Rogge at the University of New South Wales. If this appeals, please get in touch! (The Brisbane job application is live now, it closes December 2; we will update this page when the Sydney job ad goes live).
- 23/09/2022: And hot on the heels of yesterday's writeup, the press release from Minister Husic on the National Quantum Advisory Committee.
- 22/09/2022: Last night in the Pearcey Oration, the Honorary Ed Husic—Minister for Industry and Science—announced the National Quantum Advisory Committee. Andrew is honoured to be a member and is looking forward to working with everyone on the committee in helping shape Australia's quantum strategy.
- 06/09/2022: The good news continues: we are offering an up-to-five-year Research Fellowship in Quantum Technologies and Neuromorphic Computing. If this appeals, please get in touch!
- 05/09/2022: Exciting news: the new round of Deborah Jin Fellowships are now open. If you'd like to join our team working on all things quantum then please apply!
- 28/08/2022: It has been our privilege to work with Dr Till Weinhold for most of the last two decades. Joining us as a PhD student, then rejoining us after a few-year stint ion-trapping, Till has initiated and led some of our most challenging and exciting projects, working with colleagues around the world. So it is with heavy hearts—but excitement for his new position—that we wish Till the very best of luck as he joins Defence Science and Technology. It has been a delight and an honour Till, and we hope to get to work with you again soon!
- 23/08/2022: That was fun! Trade and Investment Queensland hosted at an event to coincide with a visit by PsiQuantum at the University of Queensland's Customs House this evening. It was attended by a veritable who's who of quantum and advanced technology folk from Queensland. Wonderful to catch up with so many friends and colleagues: we don't do that nearly often enough. There were speeches by Jamie Merrick, the Director General of the Queensland Department of Environment and Science, by Professor Deborah Terry AO, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Queensland, by Andrew, and by Professor Jeremy O'Brien, Co-founder and CEO, PsiQuantum. A great way to foresee possible quantum and advanced technology futures in Queensland!
- 05/08/2022: The Faculty of Science today published a profile of Emerald, Where curiosity leads. It's a wonderful read, go check it out!
- 15/07/2022: And hot on the heel of last month's news, many congratulations to Mahdi, who today completed all the requirements for the award of the Master of Philosophy degree for his thesis, Encoding and measuring information in high-dimensional quantum states. Bloody well done Mahdi and enjoy your new gig!
- 01/07/2022: After successfully completing her Honours, Fatemeh starts today with us as a PhD Student. Welcome aboard once again Fatemeh, and may the next three years be even more fun than the last!
- 16/06/2022: Many congratulations to Azwa, who today completed all the requirements for the award of the Doctor of Philosophy degree for her thesis, Exploring engineered solid-state single-photon emitter as multi-photon sources. Utterly superb Azwa, and we look forward to catching up in person to celebrate!

- 26/11/2021: The lab's first first cross-continental paper, Vulnerability of Satellite Quantum Key Distribution to Disruption from Ground-Based Lasers, appeared today in Sensors. Congratulations David, Shane, and Till: what a great way to end the year!
- 01/10/2021: After successfully completing his Masters, Sebastian starts today with us as a PhD Student. Welcome aboard—again!—Sebastian, and may the next three years be even more fun than the last two!
- 28/09/2021: Many congratulations to Kaumudi–or, we should say, Dr Goswami– who today was awarded his Doctor of Philosophy for his thesis, Applications of higher-order quantum maps. It's been a great journey Kaumudi and we wish you the very best in India!
- 07/07/2021: Gracious! Andrew has been awarded one of seventeen Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowships to explore making neuromorphic circuits using quantum technology. How very exciting!
- 24/03/2021: If you're at school, please come along to the Queensland Performing Arts Centre and join Bernie Hobbs, Ben Powell, Tamara Davis, and Andrew at the 2021 World Science Festival as they explore the The Language of the Universe (Primary School) and the The Language of the Universe (Secondary School).
- 11/03/2021: Hot on the heels of yesterday, or research is covered on the front page of UQ News, Finding quvigints in a quantum treasure map. Always nice to strike quantum gold!
- 10/03/2021: It's lovely when our work gets written up: today's Physics has a great account, Measuring Higher Dimensional “Qudits” for Computation. Check it out!
- 10/03/2021: Our paper on Robust and Efficient High-Dimensional Quantum State Tomography, appeared today in Physical Review Letters. Congratulations to Markus, Mahdi, Michael, and Jacqui at UQ, and Chris at UTS—that was a lot of fun!
- 17/12/2020: Till is in today's Cosmos Magazine helping to explain recent research In search of that quantum advantage. A great read, and nicely done Till!
- 27/11/2020: Many congratulations to Till who is being promoted to Senior Lecturer from the first of January 2021: now that's the way to ring in the New Year!
- 21/10/2020: What are the applications of quantum technology in our lives right now? And where could quantum take us in the not-too-distant future? Come join Jacqui Romero, Shaun Wilson, Andre Luiten, and Andrew as they unpack these questions at the Cicada Innovations Monthly Buzz.
- 20/10/2020: Interested in Quantum Technology programmes around the world? Come join Alexandre Blais, Aleksey Fedorov, Peter Knight, Jürgen Mlynek, Jian-Wei Pan, Michael Raymer, Akihisa Tomita, and Andrew at the Quantum Programmes Panel at Quantum 2020.
- 24/08/2020: Our paper on Increasing communication capacity via superposition of order, appeared today in Physical Review Research. Congratulations Kaumudi, Ya, Gerardo, and Jacqui—may it be the first of many cross-river papers!
- 18/08/2020: Many congratulations to Raphael, who today completed all the requirements for the award of the Doctor of Philosophy degree for his thesis, Frontiers of quantum optics: photonics tolls, computational complexity, quantum metrology, and quantum correlations. Simply excellent Raphael!
- 23/07/2020: The good news continues! Jihun won The Outstanding Presentation Award of the Korean Physical Society for his talk at the 2020 KPS Spring Meeting. Congratulations Jihun what a great result!
- 26/06/2020: Goodness, we made the cover of PRL this issue! As Jacqui points out, this is proof you can make the cover even after two rejections. What a nice surprise in a year otherwise full of terrible surprises.
- 23/06/2020: Always quick off the mark: phys.org has a very nice write-up of our paper, Quantum physics provides a way to hide ignorance. Recommended!
- 22/06/2020: It's exam time at UQ, and in a piece of beautiful timing, our paper showing how to use quantum mechanics to cheat on exams, Hiding Ignorance Using High Dimensions, appeared today in Physical Review Letters. Congratulations Michael, Sally, and Jacqui—it was a lot of fun from whoa to go!
- 22/05/2020: Come join us as CSIRO—Australia's national science agency and innovation catalyst—launches a roadmap outlining a vision for Growing Australia’s Quantum Technology Industry. Panellists include Cathy Foley, Michael Biercuk, Michelle Simmons, Phil Morle, Dale Lambert, Maya Cassidy, Vikram Sharma, and Andrew.
- 24/02/2020: What a great start to the year! Today Sebastian Malewicz starts his Masters and Fatemeh Mohit starts her Honours in the QT Lab. Welcome to the lab Sebastian and Fatemeh, it's great to have you both join us!
- 29/01/2020: It's with great sadness that today we say farewell to Raphahel Abrahão, who leaves us after 4 years in Australia—where he produced a PhD and two wonderful children!—to join the inimitable Jeff Lundeen and his team as a Postdoctoral Scientist. The very best of luck Raphael, and send us photos of the kids when they see snow for the first time!

- 04/10/2019: My goodness that went quickly: Andrew joined the University of Queensland twenty years ago today and almost immediately began making trouble. It's been a blast so far, here's to the next two decades!
- 30/09/2019: Our paper on Optimal Imaging of Remote Bodies Using Quantum Detectors appeared today in Physical Review Letters, featuring not just one by several pictures of Dory in grey. Many congratulations to the Australian team of Lewis, Geoff, and Raphael, and the the UK team of Mark and Pieter—let's work together again soon!
- 25/09/2019: Steve Flammia and Andrew discuss Google's latest result in this thoughtful article by Suzannah Lyons at ABC News, Google says it's achieved 'quantum supremacy'. What does this actually mean?
- 04/09/2019: There's a nice write-up in today's UQ News of Michael Kewming's Three-Minute Thesis talk, Top secret: writing with a quantum alphabet. Go check it out!
- 05/08/2019: Today was the Three Minute Thesis competition in the Faculty of Science. Many and proud congratulations to the People's Choice winner, Leonardo Assis! Leo is now off to the University of Queensland wildcard competition: we are keeping our fingers tightly crossed!
- 05/08/2019: In today's Frankfurter Allgemeine Manfred Lindinger has written a very nice article indeed on our hypercube paper, Schrödingers Katze bekommt Familienzuwachs, roughly, Schrödingers cat is getting a family. Go check it out!
- 10/07/2019: Our paper on Quantum Hypercube States appeared today in Physical Review Letters. Many congratulations to Lewis, Till, Farid, Joshua, Michael and Martin: it was a genuinely enthralling project!
- 05/06/2019: Today was the Three Minute Thesis competition in the School of Mathematics and Physics. Many and proud congratulations to the Judge's Choice winner, Michael Kewming, and to the People's Choice winner, Leonardo Assis! Both now go off to the Faculty of Science competition: we will all keep our fingers tightly crossed!
- 24/05/2019: Today we bid a fond—but not distant—farewell to Jacqui Romero, who is leaving us after 4 wonderful years as a postdoc to take up her new position as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Queensland! Many congratulations Jacqui: we look forward to many years of collaborating with you and your new group, and you are always welcome in our labs!
- 16/04/2019: Congratulations to our friend and QT Lab alum Michael Vanner who today, at a national event hosted at the University of Queensland, was awarded of one of the two NMI Prizes for 2019! Dr Bruce Warrington, Australia's Chief Metrologist and head of the National Measurement Institute, gave a fantastic overview of the significant revision to the SI, the International System of Units, which will occur 20th May this year —from then the SI will be based on a set of definitions each linked to the laws of physics—followed by a brilliant talk by Michael on his research in Australia that formed the basis of the prize. Utterly fascinating!
- 12/04/2019: Mahdi Qaryan starts his PhD in the QT Lab today, joining us from Simon Fraser University. Welcome to the lab Mahdi, it's great to have you join us!
- 25/03/2019: Congratulations to Jacqui Romero for being awarded of one of the two Westpac Research Fellowships for 2019! What a simply wonderful way to start the week!
- 22/03/2019: Come join Aidan Byrne, Lee Constable, Leila Cuttle, Tamara Davis, Andrew Stephenson, and Andrew at the World Science Festival at an adults-only night of comedy and science, Science Says!, hosted by the ever-inestimable Joel Gilmore.
- 22/02/2019: Our paper on Charting the Australian quantum landscape appeared today in Quantum Science and Technology. Many congratulations to Tara on your second physics paper!
- 11/02/2019: Many congratulations to Jacqui Romero who today was announced as one of the 15 International Rising Talents of 2019 in the L’Oréal-UNESCO International Awards for Women in Science! Jacqui will join the other 14 honorees at a ceremony in Paris on 14 March. What a way to start the year!

- 20/12/2018: Many congratulations to Geoff, who today was awarded his Doctor of Philosophy degree for his thesis, A hardware signal processor for Transition Edge Sensors. It's been an amazing journey Geoff, and the very best of luck in the Great White North!
- 13/12/2018: And in a great finish to the year our paper on events happening in indefinite order has been picked by Physics World as one of the Top 10 Breakthroughs of 2018! It is a great honour indeed to be listed with— to name but a few— magic-angle graphene, propellor & combustion-free flight, and quasicrystal superconductivity. Go check out the list and see what your favourite is!
- 06/12/2018: Well this is delightfully unexpected: our paper on events happening in indefinite order has been shortlisted as a 2018 Breakthrough of the Year by Hamish Johnston, the editor of Physics World. Many congratulations Kaumudi, Christina, Michael, Fabio, Cyril and Jacqui!
- 28/11/2018: That was fun! This morning a score or so of EQUS folk attended a Parliamentary Friends of Science breakfast on quantum technology. There were speeches by Andrew and Australian of the Year Michelle Simmons, with great questions and comments following, and before and after the room was full of parliamentarians and their staff, policymakers, scientists, and engineers all happily chatting away. A great way to communicate the importance of quantum technology for our society!
- 10/10/2018: Our paper on Certification and Quantification of Multilevel Quantum Coherence appeared today in Physical Review X. Many congratulations to Martin, Thomas, Marco, Ludovico, Sarah, Gerardo, Alessandro and Marco: it was a mighty effort and a long time coming!
- 31/08/2018: Our paper on Indefinite Causal Order in a Quantum Switch appeared today in Physical Review Letters, and is highlighted as an Editor's Suggestion—complete with quantum chicken-and-egg graphic! Many congratulations to Kaumudi, Christina, Michael, Fabio, Cyril and Jacqui for the fantastic theory and experiment: if only we knew which caused which...
- 30/08/2018: Our paper on Hectometer Revivals of Quantum Interference appeared today in Physical Review Letters. Many congratulations to Markus, Sarah, and Till, and to the European team of Simon and Vincenzo, for the great collaboration and results. And as a nice bonus, it's awesome to get a SI unit into the title of a quantum paper!
- 23/08/2018: In today's ScienceNews Emily Conover has written a nice article on our quantum switch paper, A new quantum device defies the concepts of ‘before’ and ‘after’. Please check it out!
- 17/08/2018: There's a very nice write-up by Adrian Cho today in Science on our quantum switch work, Quantum chicken-or-egg experiment blurs the distinction between before and after. Go have a read!
- 02/08/2018: Our paper on Multi-time quantum correlations with no spatial analog appeared today in npj Quantum Information. Many congratulations to Martin, Fabio, Michael, and Alessandro. We're now on three continents but it'll be great to work together again soon!
- 19/07/2018: Congratulations to Dr Geoffrey Gillett who leaves us today to join Quantum Valley Ideas Laboratories. It doesn't seem that long since you joined us as an undergraduate Geoff, and it has been an absolute privilege to work with you during your PhD and postdoc. Enjoy Waterloo and we look forward to hearing all about it soon!
- 01/06/2018: Andrew is in today's podcast from The Conversation, Trust Me, I'm an Expert. If you only want to hear about things quantum, it starts at 18:15, otherwise the first two stories are on terrorism and popping pimples. Either way, enjoy!
- 18/05/2018: ...and that was really quick. There is a very nice write-up of our paper in phys.org, Can a quantum drum vibrate and stand still at the same time?. Recommended!
- 18/05/2018: Our paper on Generation of Mechanical Interference Fringes by Multi-Photon Counting appeared today in New Journal of Physics. Many congratulations to Martin, Till, Michael, and particularly to Lewis for his first—but definitely not last!—scientific paper!
- 10/05/2018: ...aaand that was quick. There are very nice write-ups of our paper in Newsweek and msn, plus coverage in all the science channels like ScienceAlert and phys.org. If you have a moment check them out!
- 09/05/2018: Our paper on Challenging local realism with human choices appeared today in
Nature. This was a lot of fun, more than 100,000 people participated, and it's our first time doing science as part of a
large collaboration: 108 authors! (And in a nice bit of numerology, it is Andrew's 100th paper and he is
100th author). Many congratulations to Martin, and to Tara for her first scientific paper!
* Also, this is going to seriously skew folks' self-citation statistics, plus decreasing their Erdös & Feynman numbers... - 22/01/2018: Ming Su starts his PhD in the QT Lab today, joining us from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Welcome to the lab Ming, it's great to have you join us!

- 09/12/2017: Congratulations to Dr Markus Rambach who graduated today. It's been blast working with you Markus and we can't believe how quickly it went. Please come back and visit soon!
- 07/12/2017: Congratulations to Sarah who won the OSA Student Prize today at the Australian and New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics 2017. What an excellent way to start the holidays: ho, ho, ho!
- 06/12/2017: Congratulations to Jacqui who has been awarded a 2018 UQ Early Career Researcher Grant. What a great way to close out they year!
- 25/11/2017: Congratulations to Martin and his co-author Rafael—their paper on Probing the Non-Classicality of Temporal Correlations appeared today in Quantum. It's a great read, go check it out!
- 09/11/2017: Check out the nice article by George Nott in today's Computerworld, Quantum systems centre relaunched with $31.9m ARC funding.
- 08/11/2017: The offical opening of the new Centre for Engineered Quantum Systems—which will run from 2018 to 2024—is tonight at Customs House. Check out the new website, the press release, or the article by John Ross in today's Australian.
- 07/11/2017: Our review article on High-performance semiconductor quantum-dot single-photon sources appeared today in Nature Nanotechnology. With 190 references and some beautiful figures and explanations it's well worth a look—mind you, I may be a bit biased. Thank you Pascale and Glenn, it was a lot of fun putting this together!
- 24/10/2017: Many congratulations to Jacqui, who today was announced as one of four L’Oréal Australia For Women in Science Fellows for 2017! What wonderful news, and we're looking forward to hearing all about the awards ceremony at the Sydney Opera House next week. See also the EQUS and UQ press releases.
- 20/10/2017: Many congratulations to Markus, who today was awarded his Doctor of Philosophy degree for his thesis, Narrowband Single Photons for Light-Matter Interfaces. Congratulations Markus on making the longest photons we've ever seen, and the very best of luck with ye Scots journey!
- 27/09/2017: Congratulations to Sarah Lau who won Best Poster at the 2017 EQUS Workshop! Sarah was the unanimous choice of the five non-EQUS judges. Nice one Sarah, and great photo!
- 23/08/2017: Martin's PhD thesis was published today as a Springer Outstanding Thesis: Exploring Quantum Foundations with Single Photons. Many congratulations Martin, and I urge you all to go download your free PDF or EPUB copy now!
- 25/07/2017: Michael Kewming starts his PhD in the QT Lab today, joining us from Monash University. Welcome aboard Michael!
- 03/07/2017: Jihun Cha starts his PhD in the QT Lab today, joining us from the Gyeongsang National University. Welcome to the team Jihun!
- 15/05/2017: Our paper on A solid-state single-photon filter appeared today in Nature Nanotechnology. Go have a look at the beautiful data: and the record nonlinearity threshold of 0.3 ± 0.1 incident photons! Many congratulations to the French team of Lorenzo, Carlos, Bogdan, Niccolo, Guillaume, Jean, Carmen, Aristide, Isabelle, Loïc, Alexia, and Pascale. When we next all meet, the first bottle of champagne is on me!
- 26/04/2017: Kaumudibikash Goswami starts his PhD in the QT Lab today, joining us from the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology. Welcome aboard Kaumudi, it's great to have you join us!
- 11/04/2017: Our paper on Active demultiplexing of single photons from a solid-state source appeared today in Laser & Photonics Reviews. Many congratulations to Juan, Raphael, Marcelo, and Azwa; the French team of Isabelle, Aristide, and Pascale; and the Griffith team of Francesco, Ben, Sachin, Hoang-Phuong, Dzung, and Mirko. It was a great cross-river and cross-hemisphere collaboration!
- 28/03/2017: Our paper on Boson Sampling with Single-Photon Fock States from a Bright Solid-State Source appeared today in Physical Review Letters. Many congratulations to Juan, Matthew, Marcelo, and the French team of Paul, Olivier, Isabelle, Aristide, and Pascale!
- 25/03/2017: Come join Harry Cli, Nicole Bell, Tamara Davis, and Andrew at the World Science Festival Special Event in the Cremorne Theatre—and tours around the Hadron Exhibition at the Queensland museum afterwards!— Collision: A Unique Insight Into The World Of Hadron.
- 23/03/2017: Come join Joanna Batstone, Hugh Bradlow, Andrea Morello, Vikram Sharma, Robyn Williams, and Andrew at the World Science Festival event in the Cremorne Theatre: The New Normal: The Quantum Age Of Computing. It should be a lot of fun!
- 14/03/2017: Congratulations to Martin and Juan—and their co-authors Farid and Tim—whose paper on Ultrafine Entanglement Witnessing appeared today in Physical Review Letters. It's an Editor's Suggestion, and has a Synopsis in Physics, Prepping an Entanglement Witness. Nice one!
- 27/01/2017: Many, many, congratulations to our friends (and QT Lab alumni), Dr Juan Loredo and Dr Matthew Broome, who today were each awarded a Marie Skłodowska- Curie Fellowship, to work respectively with the inestimable Professors Pascale Senellart and Peter Lodahl, and their groups in France and Denmark. Nice one Juan and Matthew: what a wonderful start to the new year!

- 25/11/2016: Our contribution to the Roadmap on structured light appeared today in the Journal of Optics. Many congratulations to Jacqui and the other 29 authors from Australia, Europe, and North America!
- 07/11/2016: Our paper on Sub-megahertz linewidth single photon source appeared today in APL Photonics. Many congratulations to Markus, Aleksandrina, and Till! Go check out the beautiful, beautiful, data.
- 30/09/2016: Congratulations to Christina, Fabio and Cyril, whose paper on Multipartite causal correlations: Polytopes and inequalities appeared today in Physical Review A. Nice work one and all!
- 08/09/2016: Wonderful news for physics, and in particular quantum science and technology in Australia: seven years of funding was announced today for the ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems, the ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, the ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low Energy Electronics Technologies, the ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science, and last—but certainly not least!—the ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery. Many, many, congratulations to all involved, and heartfelt commiserations for our colleagues who didn't get funded this time. For funding junkies, here are the Statistics for Approved Proposals.
- 07/09/2016: Congratulations to Christina, whose opus on Causal and causally separable processes appeared today in the New Journal of Physics. Keep an eye out for the video abstract, which is an excellent introduction to this paper!
- 19/08/2016: In today's Physics World there is a wonderful article by Philip Ball on our most recent paper , Quantum mechanics trumps nonlocal causality. If you've a few minutes free, please go check it out!
- 10/08/2016: Our paper on Experimental Test of Nonlocal Causality appeared today in Science Advances. Many congratulations to Martin, Christina, Fabio, and the nonlocal authors Rafael and Alessandro!
- 01/08/2016: Lewis Howard starts his PhD in the QT Lab today, joining us from Curtin University. Welcome aboard Lewis!
- 27/07/2016: It is with great sadness that we farewell Juan Loredo, who leaves us after 4 wonderful years to join the fabulous Pascale Senellart and her team as a Postdoctoral Scientist. Best of luck in the new gig Juan, and you are very welcome back at anytime!
- 12/07/2016: In today's Science there is a nice article by Adrian Cho, Massive neutrino experiment undermines our sense of reality. It includes—possibly unwisely, never give an interview when jet-lagged!—comments from Andrew. Go check it out!
- 26/06/2016: Congratulations to Martin Ringbauer, who is one of just 7 PhD students representing Australian science at the 66th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting this week. To get a sense of what an amazing week it is, have a look at the promotional booklet and the participant directory.
- 18/06/2016: Today's Science Show is all about H.G. Wells, the author who imaged a future based on scientific achievement. It's wonderful, with rarely-heard audio recordings of Wells, so if nothing else tune in for that! It includes a brief chat between the amazing Sharon Carleton and Andrew, that touches on death rays, Tasmania, the Maxwell-Heaviside equations, and Imperialism.
- 10/06/2016: Our paper on Engineering integrated photonics for heralded quantum gates appeared today in Scientific Reports. Many congratulations to Devon, Matthew, Alessandro, and the Macquarie team of Tom, Michael, Alexei, Graham, Michael, and Mick!
- 09/06/2016: Andrew is giving an hour-long Tutorial today at CLEO on Photonic Quantum Simulation. If you're at CLEO let's catch up for a coffee and a chat!
- 07/06/2016: There's a great article today in PhysOrg, The path to perfection: Quantum dots in electrically-controlled cavities yield bright, nearly identical photons. It was prompted by our recent Nature Photonics paper, but is more wide ranging than that, and has heaps of thoughtful observations from Pascale. If you're interested in quantum dots or photon sources, go read it now!
- 24/05/2016: Andrew is giving a talk tonight in a Pint of Science, event at the Lucky Duck Cafe and Bar. Come along for a drink and a chat!
- 15/04/2016: Our paper on Enhancing coherent transport in a photonic network using controllable decoherence appeared today in Nature Communications. Many congratulations to Devon, Aidan, Matthew, Alessandro and Ivan, and the Jena team of René, Markus, Stefan, and Alex!
- 13/04/2016: Our paper on Scalable performance in solid-state single-photon sources appeared today in Optica. Many congratulations to Juan, Marcelo, Azwa, Matthew,and the French team of Niccolo, Carlos, Lorenzo, Valerian, Thomas, Olivier, Guillamue, Isabelle, Aristide, Alexia, and Pascale!
07/03/2016: Our paper on Near-optimal single-photon sources in the solid state appeared today in Nature Photonics. Many congratulations to Juan, Marcelo, and the French team of Niccolo, Valerian, Lorenzo, Gaston, Simone, Carlos, Justin, Carmen, Isabelle, Daniel, Aristide, Alexia, and, of course, Pascale! Press releases can be found in English at SciMex and in French at CNRS (a shorter English version of the latter is here). I think perhaps some Pisco is in order ... Peruvian, naturally!- 18/02/2016: Our paper on Measuring Entanglement in a Photonic Embedding Quantum Simulator appeared today in Physical Review Letters. Many congratulations to Juan, Marcelo, and the Bilbao/Ulm team of Roberto, Julen, Jorge, and Kike!
- 15/01/2016: In the Festival of Art, Science and Ideas, Andrew is a panel member today in Science Texts That Changed the World. From The Origin of the Species to Andrew Wakefield’s notorious paper, come join the discussion on big science texts led by the inimitable Joel Gilmore!
- 11/01/2016: Raphael Abrahão starts his PhD in the QT Lab today, joining us from Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Welcome aboard Raphael!
- 04/11/2015: There is a nice write-up today in phys.org of Christina and colleagues' recent paper, Quantum process demonstrates superposition of ordered events. Go check it out!
- 30/10/2015: Many congratulations to Jacquiline Romero, who today was awarded an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award: simply wonderful news!
- 26/10/2015: The ABC's The World interviewed Andrew for some context regarding the magnificent recent experiment of Bas Hensen and colleagues. Andrew would like to apologise, it'd been a long day...
- 22/10/2015: Andrew's talk was one of three presentations highlighted in the Daily Wrap for Frontiers in Optics 2015. That photo is now officially the dorkiest one ever taken of him: no mean feat!
- 21/10/2015: There's a great video interview with Martin—or as we shall call him today, Marty!— in the article It’s 2015, so where’s my flying car? (Spoiler alert: we still need roads).
- 21/10/2015: It's Back To The Future Day! Andrew is in California at FiO2015 giving an invited talk on Photonic Quantum Simulation & Emulation which includes both our work on simulating time travel and appropriate props—do you have any idea how hard it is to get a flux capacitor through customs?—whilst Martin and Tim are—at the request of the White House no less—doing a Google+ Hangout Conversation on time travel. Great Scott!
- 22/07/2015: Our paper on Demonstration of an Exposed-Core Fiber Platform for Two-Photon Rubidium Spectroscopy appeared today in Physical Review Applied. Congratulations to Chris, Andre, and the entire team at Adelaide! This is our second paper with the wonderful lab at Adelaide, and the first-ever with a Deputy-Vice-Chancellor-Research as a co-author!
- 19/10/2015: Our paper on Witnessing causal nonseparability appeared today in the New Journal of Physics. Many congratulations to Christina, Cyril, and Fabio, and the Vienna team of Mateus, Adrien and Časlav!
- 12/10/2015: Sarah Lau starts her PhD in the QT Lab today, joining us from industry, and before that the University of Queensland. Welcome aboard Sarah!
- 07/07/2015: After 7 wonderful years, Alessandro Fedrizzi is leaving us to take up a Readership at Heriot-Watt university. Wishing you and your family all the best at the new gig Sandro, and you are very welcome back here anytime! Your new lab looks like it'll be a thing of beauty, so we're very much looking forward to research visits.
- 09/06/2015: What a week! Many congratulations to Alessandro Fedrizzi, who was awarded today a EPSRC Quantum Technology Fellowship by the UK government! Alessandro is moving to Heriot-Watt university as a Reader, and will use this Fellowship to study "QuigaByte-Gigahertz-clocked telecom cluster states for next generation quantum photonics". At £1.2M, *plus* contributions from his new uni, this is worth more than an Australian Laureate Fellowship—a fantastic result!
- 08/06/2015: Many congratulations to our former PhD student and postdoc, Ben Lanyon, who was awarded this evening one of the 2015 START Prizes; up to 1.2M€, it is "the most important and prestigious Austrian research prize for junior scientists". A fantastic achievement!
- 20/05/2015: There is a wonderful article in Nature today by Zeeya Merali, Quantum physics: What is really real?. Sub-titled "A wave of experiments is probing the root of quantum weirdness" it includes quotes from Alessandro, Martin, and Andrew: go check it out!
- 30/04/2015: Our paper on Photon Sorting, Efficient Bell Measurements, and a Deterministic Controlled-Z Gate Using a Passive Two-Level Nonlinearity appeared today in Physical Review Letters. Congratulations to Tim, Immo, Sahand and Peter! This is our first paper with the team in Denmark: may there be many more!
- 22/04/2015: One of the Nature editors, Leonie Mueck, has a great article today in Nature Chemistry titled Quantum Reform. It looks at the potential, and history, of quantum simulation in quantum chemistry, and cites articles from our lab and from Ivan Kassal's PhD. Check it out!
- 21/04/2015: For our Italian readers, Marco Barbieri has written a nice article on our wavefunction paper in Il Bo, with the lovely title La tombola della meccanica quantistica. Mille grazie Marco!
- 01/04/2015: Aleksandrina Nikolova starts her PhD in the QT Lab today, joining us from Royal Holloway, University of London. Welcome aboard Aleksandrina!
- 23/03/2015: Good news for the quantum technology community: today the UK government today announced their
National strategy for quantum technologies, part of which is
their £270M investment first announced in 2013. This article on the announcement in the
International Business Times
made us smile: to illustrate Quantum Technology in the UK they used a photo from our lab! (But Matthew is British, so we guess it's OK).
- 15/03/2015: There's a very fun and informative FQXI podcast today with Alessandro Fedrizzi and Martin Ringbauer, Quantum Reality Check, which includes a subtle Thunderbirds reference, conversation about cats & regular QT Lab visitor Terry Rudolph, and card-playing. Go have a listen, it's well worth the time!
- 04/03/2014: Our quantum dynamics paper is one of six Editors Suggestions in today's Physical Review Letters. These are papers chose to promote reading across fields, in the hope that they will lead readers to explore other areas of physics. Congratulations again Martin, Chris, Kavan, Alexei and Alessandro!
- 04/03/2015: Our paper on Characterizing quantum dynamics with initial system- environment correlations appeared today in Physical Review Letters. Congratulations Martin, Chris, Kavan, Alexei and Alessandro!
- 20/02/2015: There is an excellent article today in The New York Times' Sunday Review by Edward Frenkel, The Reality of Quantum Weirdness. I never thought I'd see our quantum measurements and Kurosawa’s Rashomon in the same essay—love it!
- 12/02/2015: An utterly wonderful article by our co-author Eric Cavlacanti in The Conversation today: Schrödinger’s cat gets a reality check. Definitely worth the read! Postscript: the article has been picked up by Australasian Science. Nice one Eric!
- 09/02/2015: For our German readers, a nice article today in Austria's ORF, Schrödingers Katze ist tot und lebendig. This one illustrated with a heterochromic feline!
- 08/02/2015: The Register has a detailed article on our work by the ever estimable Richard Chirgwin, They've finally solved it: Schrödinger's cat is both ALIVE AND DEAD—Objective reality, who needs it?. Graphics and everything!
- 04/02/2015: My goodness, our paper on the reality of the wavefunction has been reported today in both Russia— Физики сообщили об объективной реальности волновой функции—and Bulgaria— Изследователи описват вълновата функция на котката на Шрьодингер. The illustration in the Bulgarian article made me laugh despite myself.
- 04/02/2015: A wonderful article in Motherboard today on our paper, New Measurements Show that the Unrealest Part of Quantum Physics Is Very Real, including a link to Matt Leifer's excellent website.
- 03/02/2015: And it continues. Another nice article in today's Phys.Org on our paper, Researchers describe the wavefunction of Schroedinger's cat. Check it out!
- 02/02/2015: Whoa, that was quick-off-the-mark! New Scientist has an article today by Michael Slezak, Wave function gets real in quantum experiment. A nice introduction to it all, finishing off with a great quote by Howard Wiseman.
- 02/02/2015: Our paper on Measurements on the reality of the wavefunction appeared today in Nature Physics. Congratulations Martin, Ben, Cyril, Eric and Alessandro!
- 28/01/2015: There is a truly excellent write-up of our quantum time-travel simulation at medium.com, The Quantum Experiment That Simulates A Time Machine. For those who prefer a more yellow version of the same article, have a look at physics4me.
- 19/01/2015: Today is the official Opening Ceremony of the International Year of Light at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) headquarters in Paris. There are 1500 delegates attending from around the world: Andrew White is one of the two Australian invitees, and is quite looking forward to it!
- 05/01/2015: A very warm welcome to Nicolas Quesada who is visiting us for the next two months from the University of Toronto. Welcome aboard Nicolas!
- 05/01/2015: What better way to start the year than announce that Nor Azwa Zakaria has joined the QT Lab from the University of Malaysia Terengganu. Welcome Azwa!
- 01/01/2015: Happy New Year! Welcome to the International Year of Light *. For a great article on what it's
about, and how it came to be—basically down to the ever-irrepressible Antipodean John Dudley—have a look at this Optics & Photonics News
article, 2015: The
International Year of Light. Physics World also has an interesting, and shorter article,
Physicists get set for UNESCO's Year of
* "...and Light-Enabled Technologies", yeah, I know.

- 11/12/2014: Many congratulations to Martin Ringbauer, whose talk on "Measurements on the Reality of the Wavefunction" won the Prize for Best Student Talk at the 21st Australian Institute of Physics Congress. Now that's the way to end the year!
- 07/11/2014: Our paper on Information Causality in the Quantum and Post-Quantum Regime appeared today in Scientific Reports. Congratulations Martin, Alessandro, and Dominic!
- 19/09/2014: Warmest congratulations from us all to Markus Rambach, winner of the 2014 School of Mathematics and Physics Postgraduate Research Poster Competition! Markus joins QT Lab alumni Matthew Broome and Ben Lanyon as recipients of the award, but his prize is the best yet: $750 to spend on your next research trip—thoroughly well deserved and have fun with it Markus!
- 17/09/2014: Warmest congratulations from us all to Dr Alessandro Fedrizzi, who last night was awarded the 2014 Foundational Research Excellence Award, one of just seven winners across the entire University. Check out the very nice video explaining the science behind his award. The night was fantastic fun, as were the drinks afterwards!
- 24/06/2014: The Register has a subheadline straight out of Treasure of Sierra Madre in their article TIME TRAVEL TEST finds black holes needed to make photons flit, and gizmag picks up the story as well, Australian researchers simulate a time-traveling photon.
- 23/06/2014: Science Alert has improved our graphics considerably in their take on Time Travel Simulated by Australian Physicists.
- 21/06/2014: An article in The Speaker, Time Travel Simulated by Australian Physicists.
- 20/06/2014: And it begins! There are articles on our time-travel simulation paper in phys.org, Simulating time travel: Doctor Who meets Professor Heisenberg, iflscience.com, Scientists Have Simulated Time Travel With Photons, and inquisitr.com, Researchers Simulate Time Travel Using Light.
- 19/06/2014: Our paper on Experimental simulation of closed timelike curves appeared today in Nature Communications. Congratulations Martin, Matthew, Casey and Tim! The UQ press release can be found here.
- 23/04/2014: Our paper on Entanglement-free certification of entangling gates appeared today in Physical Review A. It was a lot of fun, with many long discussions between theorist and experimentalist: congratulations Marcelo, Mile, Alessandro, Matthew and Tim!
- 10/04/2014: Our holonomic phase paper is one of four Editors Suggestions in today's Physical Review Letters. These are papers chose to promote reading across fields, in the hope that they will lead readers to explore other areas of physics. Congratulations again Juan, Matthew and Devin!
- 10/04/2014: Our paper on Observation of Entanglement-Dependent Two-Particle Holonomic Phase appeared today in Physical Review Letters. It's Juan Loredo's first—but certainly not the last!—experiment from our lab: congratulations and may there be many more!
- 05/02/2014: There's are more nice articles today on our uncertainty paper, in PhysOrg, Research team challenges the limits of famous quantum principle, and in Laboratory Equipment, Physicists Challenge Heisenberg.
- 24/01/2014: Juan Loredo's paper on Polarimetric measurements of single-photon geometric phases appeared today in Physical Review A. It's from work with his former group in Peru: nice one Juan!
- 22/01/2014: There articles today on our uncertainty paper in the Wiener Zeitung, Tiroler Tageszeitung, and the Austria Presse Agentur. If you read German check them out out!
- 15/01/2014: Our joint-quantum-measurement paper is one of seven Editors Suggestions in today's Physical Review Letters. These are papers chose to promote reading across fields, in the hope that they will lead readers to explore other areas of physics. Congratulations again Martin, Devon, Cyril, Matthew and Alessandro!
- 15/01/2014: Our paper on Experimental Joint Quantum Measurements with Minimum Uncertainty appeared today in Physical Review Letters. It's Martin Ringbauer's first paper with our lab: congratulations and may there be many more!
- 01/01/2014: Happy New Year! For those of you who like round-number anniversaries, 2014 is a significant year for quantum information.
○ 50 years ago John Bell published his famous inequality paper,
○ 30 years ago quantum cryptography was invented by Bennett and Brassard,
○ 20 years ago—after a long gestation—quantum computing was born with Peter Shor's paper introducing a fast factoring algorithm.

- 04/12/2013: There's a great Viewpoint today by Christine Silberhorn on our new paper—and related papers by the groups of Gerd Leuchs and Roman Schnabel— Sharing Entanglement without Sending It. Check it out!
- 04/12/2013: Our paper on Experimental Distribution of Entanglement with Separable Carriers appeared today in Physical Review Letters. Congratulations one and all!
- 15/07/2013: Our paper on High-efficiency cross-phase modulation in a gas-filled waveguide appeared today in Physical Review A. This is our first paper with Andre Luiten's amazing lab in Adelaide. Congratulations Chris, Phil, and the rest of the team!
- 20/06/2013: Alán Aspuru-Guzik has noticed that our Quantum Chemistry paper is the
21st most cited paper in Nature Chemistry, according to the
Google Scholar H5 index. Not bad for a physics lab!
- 17/06/2013: Our photon-source paper is one of three Editors Suggestions in today's Physical Review Letters. These are papers chose to promote reading across fields, in the hope that they will lead readers to explore other areas of physics. Congratulations again Olivier and Marcelo!
- 17/06/2013: Our paper on Entangling Quantum-Logic Gate Operated with an Ultrabright Semiconductor Single-Photon Source appeared today in Physical Review Letters. This is our first paper with Pascale Senellart and her wonderful lab in Paris. Congratulations Olivier, Marcelo, and the rest of the team!
- 14/06/2013: Today we bid a fond farewell to Olivier Gazzano who is returning to France to hand in his PhD. Thank you Olivier, we had a blast and come back anytime! (Also, don't let Marcelo take you out drinking before your 22:30 flight ... oh, too late).
- 29/05/2013: Andrew was formally admitted today to the Australian Academy of Science during Science at the Shine Dome 2013, and gave an introductory lecture on The Second Quantum Revolution.
- 29/05/2013: Our paper on Direct characterization of linear-optical networks appeared today in Optics Express. Congratulations Saleh, Matthew, Robert, Alessandro and Tim!
- 22/05/2013: There's a nice article at FQXI Discord in the Quantum World that mentions—amongst many other things—our experimental work on quantum discord. Surf on over and have a read!
- 16/05/2013: For those of you interesting in all things quantum computing, go read Scott Aaronson's blog post D-Wave: Truth finally starts to emerge. The tl;dr version: good news. It's finally possible—modulo some reasonable assumptions—to infer the presence of entanglement in a D-Wave device, athough not what kind, or how much. bad news. D-Wave have showed no speed advantage whatsoever for quantum annealing over classical simulated annealing. terrible news. D-Wave's egregious hype is very destructive.
- 02/05/2013: Andrew provided comments to the ABC on the excellent paper by Sven Rogge and his team published in Nature today, Positive spin in quantum discovery. Congratulations Chunming, Sven and the rest of the team!
- 14/04/2013: A very warm welcome to Olivier Gazzano who is visiting us for the next two months, as part of our collaboration with the wonderful lab of Pascale Senellart. Welcome aboard Olivier!
- 04/04/2013: Our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Peter Hoj, was on ABC Radio this morning reporting that UQ Scientists receive Australian Academy of Science Fellowships. Have a listen! Andrew wants to note that—despite the lede—no actual buckets of money are involved ... although he's not averse to some if folk are feeling inclined that way.
- 31/03/2013: Congratulations to Alessandro Fedrizzi and former QT Lab Alumnus Kevin Resch for their paper in Nature Photonics, Spectral compression of single photons. Very nice!
- 27/03/2013: Andrew is one of twenty new Fellows of the Australian Academy of Sciences, five of whom are from UQ. He's very thrilled and very humbled.
- 21/03/2013: The New York Times, has a nice article on things to do when you next visit our lab: 36 Hours in Brisbane, Australia.
- 15/01/2013: Congratulations to Matthew Broome for his paper in Nature Communications today, Multiphoton quantum interference in a multiport integrated photonic device. Matt's coauthors include much-missed QT Lab alumni Marco Barbieri and Nathan Langford, and the paper came out of a research trip to Ian Walmsley's wonderful group in Oxford. Congratulations one and all!
- 08/01/2013: Edwin Cartlidge has a thoughtful piece in Physics World today, 'Boson sampling' offers shortcut to quantum computing. Surf on over and have a read!
- 03/01/2013: Many congratulations to Alessandro Fedrizzi for his recent paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Quantum erasure with causally disconnected choice. What a fabulous start to the year!
- 02/01/2013: Happy New Year! photonics.com has a report on our BosonSampling paper, with a title that the Terminator folk should consider for the next film in the franchise: Rise of the Boson-Sampling Computer.

- 27/12/2012: Scientific American are the latest to report on our work, with Charles Choi's article on New Computer Bridges Classical and Quantum Computing.
- 25/12/2012: Merry Christmas! Charles Choi has given us a lovely gift, an article in Tech News Daily, New Computer Bridges Classical and Quantum Computing. Update: And for Boxing Day, Yahoo News has picked up Charles' article.
- 21/12/2012: John Timmer has a thoughtful piece in Ars Technica, Can quantum measurements beat classical computers?
- 21/12/2012: Scott has a wonderful blog post today, The Boson Apocalypse: my advice is to immediately stop reading this list, and start reading Scott's post!
- 21/12/2012: In a neat trick, Samuel Moore published an article in Spectrum the day before our paper came out, New Machine Puts Quantum Computers’ Utility to the Test.
- 21/12/2012: Phys.org has not one but two articles on our BosonSampling research: one focussed on our paper, At the solstice: Shining light on quantum computers, and one on the paper from Ian Walmsley and his team at Oxford, Boson samplers offering promise for new kinds of computing devices. No need to choose, read them both!
- 21/12/2012: And the articles continue. Anna Salleh of ABC Science has written a nice article on our Science paper, Proving the need for quantum computers.
- 21/12/2012: And in the UK, Devin Powell has a nice News article in Nature that discusses the Oxford BosonSampling results, with a mention of ours in a sentence but a great photo of Matthew heading the article, Photon devices could outperform ordinary computers.
- 21/12/2012: Adrian Cho has written a great news article in Science that talks about our BosonSampling research, as well as that of our colleagues and friends in the UK, Austria, and Italy: New Form of Quantum Computation Promises Showdown With Ordinary Computers.
- 20/12/2012: Well that was quick! Jacob Aron of New Scientist has written an article about our and Oxford's Science papers, Victorian counting device gets speedy quantum makeover. (In it he has promoted Matthew to group leader: Andrew is quite happy with this as he plans to go back to the lab and let Matthew get on with the paperwork...)
- 20/12/2012: Eureka Alert has three photos for our BosonSampling paper:
○ The logo of the Quantum Technology Lab spelled out with the laser beams used in the BosonSampling device.
○ Dr. Broome at work on the BosonSampling device.
○ Drs. Alessandro Fedrizzi (left) and Matthew Broome (right) designing the BosonSampling device. - 22/11/2012: Our 2010 quantum chemistry paper was the feature today of a fascinating editorial in the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Quantum chemistry reloaded.
- 05/11/2012: Many congratulations to Alessandro Fedrizzi, who today was awarded an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award: just wonderful news!
- 22/10/2012: Congratulations to Marcelo Almeida, whose paper on Estimation of a quantum interaction parameter using weak measurements: Theory and experiment was published today in Physical Review A. Co-authors included QT Lab Alumni Marco Barbieri and Michael Goggin, and the oft-visited Holger Hofmann: a shame we can't all celebrate in the same room today!
- 06/06/2012: Coinciding with the Transit of Venus, our paper on Observation of topologically protected bound states in photonic quantum walks was published today in Nature Communications. Congratulations to joint first-authors Matthew Broome and Takuya Kitagawa, and everyone in both the UQ and Harvard teams!
- 29/05/2012: Congratulations to Ivan Kassal and his collaborator Alán Aspuru-Guzik, their paper on Environment-assisted quantum transport in ordered systems was published today in the New Journal of Physics. Nice one!
- 22/03/2012:
Our paper on Two-photon quantum walks in an elliptical direct-write waveguide array was highlighted today by the New Journal of Physics in the Highlights of 2011 collection: the second year running that one of our papers has been highlighted! “Selected by the editors, the sixty-four articles featured span some of the most cutting- edge areas of physics, and collectively represent the most cited, most downloaded and most influential articles published in NJP in 2011.” Many congratulations to Matthew, Jimmy, and both the teams at Macquarie and UQ, this is an outstanding result!
- 27/02/2012: Congratulations again to Alessandro Fedrizzi, this time for his paper on Entanglement dynamics and quasi-periodicity in discrete quantum walks which was published online today in the Journal of Modern Optics. A good start to the year!
- 30/01/2012: Congratulations to Alessandro Fedrizzi, whose paper on Polarization-entanglement-conserving frequency conversion of photons was published today in Physical Review A. Co-authors included QT Lab Alumni Nathan Langford and Sven Ramelow: we'll all have to celebrate together at QCMC later this year!
- 10/01/2012: Our paper on Conclusive quantum steering with superconducting transition edge sensors was
published today in Nature Communications. Click on the pretty graphic to go to the UQ press release:
- 05/01/2012: Congratulations to Matthew Broome, winner of the Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology Photographic Image Competition. Clever, artistic, and now proud holder of a $800 Apple voucher!

- 13/12/2011: Congratulations to our long-time collaborator Sae Woo Nam who today was awarded the Department of Commerce Gold Medal, the highest honorary award granted by the Secretary of Commerce. A wonderful result and well deserved!
- 14/11/2011: Many congratulations to Marcelo Almeida, who today was awarded an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award: this is a fantastic result Marcelo and we're all excited and proud!
- 07/09/2011: Well it's been quite a year for the intersection of quantum and pop culture. A paper this week in Science by our former PhD student, postdoc, and much missed colleague Ben Lanyon, was mentioned today in a tweet by Stephen Fry! Congratulations Ben on both the superb paper, and the call-out by Stephen Fry—is this the modern British equivalent of being recognised by royalty? ☺
- 01/09/2011: There's a story today in New Scientist on a nice recent paper by Mariantoni and colleagues at UCSB, Quantum computer chips pass key milestones; it contains a few colour comments by Andrew (who in his defence, did so late at night his time!).
- 13/07/2011: Our paper on Two-photon quantum walks in an elliptical direct-write waveguide array was published today in the New Journal of Physics in their Focus on Integrated Quantum Optics. It's the first collaborative paper between the experimental teams at UQ and Macquarie—congratulations to all!
- 10/06/2011: Holy heck! Our long time friend and QT Lab collaborator, Aephraim Steinberg, made the big time today, with the BBC's Now Show including a custom-written song about his recent paper in Science!
- 01/06/2011: There's a nice News Feature in Nature today, Quantum computing: The power of discord. It looks at recent work on quantum discord—a newish kind of quantum correlation—including our paper experimental paper from 2008. Definitely worth a read! One important correction: the opening line of the article makes it sound like I built our experiment, when of course the hard yards were done by Ben, Marco, and Marcelo—all congratulations are due to them!
- 25/05/2011: Our collaborator Alán Aspuru-Guzik gives an interview at physicsworld.com, Quantum computers tackle chemistry and biology. Go check it out, it's only 4 minutes long and does a nice job of explaining why we find our work on quantum simulation so compelling!
- 20/05/2011: A good day: our paper on Hardy’s Paradox and Violation of a State-Independent Bell Inequality in Time was also published today in Physical Review Letters. Congratulations to all, but particularly to Alessandro, two first-author papers in one day!
- 20/05/2011: Our paper on Experimental information complementarity of two-qubit states was published today in the New Journal of Physics. Congratulations to all!
- 05/05/2011: Andrew today was presented his 2010 Pawsey Medal by the Australian Academy of Science at Science at the Shine Dome 2011. It's been quite fun hearing talks from all branches of Science!
- 04/05/2011: The Register has an article on our compressive sensing paper from March, Oz boffins in quantum computing breakthrough. The article has thoughtfully been labelled NSFMP, i.e. Not Safe For Maths-Phobics ® .
- 11/04/2011: Andrew has been awarded a University of Queensland Vice-Chancellor's Senior Research Fellowship! A list of all the awardees can be found in this nice article on cleaning up mining waste using bugs.
- 16/03/2011: Well this is interesting: according to a paper in the arXiv today, the best city in Australia for physics—by quite a ways it turns
out—is Brisbane. The paper identifies which cities worldwide produce more excellent papers than can be expected. The idea is that:
...if excellent papers are defined as the top-10% most-highly cited papers in a field, on the basis of the null hypothesis a value of 10% of all papers published from a city would be expected as belonging to this category.
The authors then calculate the standardized residual for every city in the world in 2008 that published a top-10% paper, using Z=(observed-expected)/√expected (Z=1 indicates the city is publishing the expected number of top-10 papers). They note—and I'm sure we all heartily agree!—that:From a policy perspective, it may pay off for the sciences within a country to identify (by these visualization methods) and expand regional centers of excellence (for example, with specific financial support). In our opinion, one should not subsidize size, but those centers should be fostered where the observed number of excellent papers exceeds the expected numbers.
And the results for Australia in Physics? <drum-roll> Brisbane, Z=4.1; Adelaide, Z=3.1; Melbourne, Z=2.7; Sydney, Z=2.5, and Canberra, Z=1.4. - 08/03/2011: And TG Daily also has an article on our compressive sensing paper:
Quantum engineers clear a roadblock in
developing new technologies. I love the editorial at the end of this article:
If you are a technology enthusiast you might find yourself interested enough to want to read it. You won’t be able to though because you have to have a subscription to read the journal. That may be a bummer but the future of academic journals is creative commons licenses. Scientific information like this will become more widely available to the public sooner rather than later.
- 08/03/2011: In Germany, myScience also has an article on our compressive sensing paper: Quantum engineers remove roadblock in developing next-generation technologies. Despite the same title as the PhysOrg article, the text is different!
- 08/03/2011: Quick as always, today's PhysOrg has an article on our compressive sensing paper: Quantum engineers remove roadblock in developing next-generation technologies.
- 07/03/2011: Our paper on Efficient Measurement of Quantum Dynamics via Compressive Sensing
was published today in Physical Review Letters. Click on the pretty graphic to go to the UQ press release:
Congratulations everyone, and hopefully one day all the co-authors can meet in person, preferably over a nice meal! - 02/03/2011: Our paper on Matchgate quantum computing and non-local process analysis was highlighted today in the New Journal of Physics Best of 2010—“a special collection of papers that represents the breadth and excellence of the work published in the journal last year. The articles were selected for their presentation of outstanding new research, receipt of the highest praise from our international referees and the highest number of downloads last year.” Congratulations Sven, Alessandro and Aephraim, that's an outstanding result!
- 31/01/2011: Our paper on Single-photon device requirements for operating linear optics quantum computing outside the post-selection basis was published online today in the Journal of Modern Optics. Particular congratulations to Thomas, and thanks to the Australian Research Council who made this possible by awarding Thomas a Linkage Fellowship.
- 10/01/2011: Our paper on Violation of the Leggett–Garg inequality with weak measurements of photons was published online today in the Early Edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Nice job everyone, and Mike, you're welcome back at any time!
- 05/01/2011: Our paper on Engineered optical nonlinearity for a quantum light source was published in this month's Optics Express (but has an official publication date of December 20, 2010—do we count this as a 2010 or a 2011 paper?). Congratulations Aggie and Alessandro on what I'm sure will be the first of many fruitful collaborations!
- 05/01/2011: Till's paper on Imaging of Trapped Ions with a Microfabricated Optic for Quantum Information Processing was published in this month's Physical Review Letters. Nice one Till!
- 14/12/2010: During the Brisbane Writers Festival earlier this year, the ABC
held a
Café Scientifique.
Ably hosted by Paul Willis, the topic was The Gloriously Messy Universe, which
given the resulting conversation between Marcelo Gleiser,
Tamara Davis, and Andrew White is a pretty apt choice of
We found out today that it will be broadcast on the Big Ideas program next month on Sunday 9th January (2pm WA, 4pm Q/NT, 5pm N/V/T/SA), and again on Thursday 13th January (3, 5 & 6pm). If the conversation sounds sharp and interesting, then much credit must go to Abbie Thomas and her team! (These programs will also be available after the broadcast date.) - 1/12/2010: Andrew White has been made a Fellow of the American Physical Society. Goodness!
- 1/10/2010: James Owens has been awarded a honourable mention and a special prize for his oral presentation at the UQ Undergraduate Research Conference! Congratulations James, this is a great result that recognises all your hard work—enjoy spending the prize money!
- 23/09/2010: Our regulator collaborator Alán Aspuru-Guzik has been named one of the 2010 Young Innovators under 35 by Technology Review! Congratulations Alán! Video here in an awful embedded format. Slide the scroller at the bottom of the screen until you get to TR35 Session 2, Sep 23 2010, then enjoy. (Unless you're reading this via an iOS device, as the video is in flash—kinda ironic for a tech conference!).
- 14/09/2010: James Owens has been nominated to represent the Faculty of Science at the Inaugural UQ Undergraduate Research Conference. This is wonderful news and came entirely out of the blue: best of luck James!
- 12/08/2010: Our paper on Matchgate quantum computing and non-local process analysis was published today in New Journal of Physics. Another successful Australian-Austrian-Canadian collaboration!
- 28/07/2010: Alessandro—together with former QT Alumni Sven Ramelow, Kevin Resch, and Thomas Jennewein— has a paper today in Nature on Direct generation of photon triplets using cascaded photon-pair sources. Nice one Alessandro!
- 23/07/2010: Well that was difficult! The posters at QCMC were simply superb, and after much discussion the judges came back to the Centres to ask for two prizes. It was Andrew's great pleasure to award these this afternoon to Stuart Szigeti and Stefanie Barz—many congratulations to you both!
- 19/07/2010: The Tenth International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computation—QCMC to its friends—begins today at the University of Queensland. On behalf of both EQuS and CQC2T we're pleased to announce a Student Poster Prize for best presented and explained poster. We wish to stress that none of us are judges for the prize—or indeed organisers of the conference—so all bribes, compliments, complaints should be directed elsewhere ... see you at the poster sessions!
- 16/07/2010: Wonderful news for quantum science and optical science in Australia: seven years of funding was announced today for the ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems, the ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Ultrahigh Bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems. Time to update the logos on our webpages! Many, many, congratulations to all involved, and heartfelt commiserations for our colleagues in the Australian Centre for Quantum-Atom-Optics. For funding junkies, here is the full selection report.
- 24/05/2010: Congratulations to Ben Lanyon who is a winner of the 2009 Dean's Awards List for Outstanding Research Higher Degree Theses. Very well deserved, and you can shout us all a drink the next time you're in town!
- 24/05/2010: Andrew was interviewed by Simon Lauder in The World Today, A few atoms bring quantum computing closer, about a nice paper published today by Michelle Simmons and her group in Nature Nanotechnology. For the very definition of eloquent, listen to his reaction when asked if this paper shows that the silicon approach is the one to put your money on (to be fair, he'd only had 2 hours sleep at that stage...)
- 11/05/2010: Our paper on quantum walks was featured in the Faculty of Science Photo of the Week, Photon Goes on Quantum Walk-about. Nice photo Matt! And scrolling down (insect, insect, insect ...) we found that we were also photo of the week back in January, Quantum Computer used to calculate the precise energy of molecular hydrogen.
- 15/04/2010: Our quantum chemistry has been highlighted as one of the Editors'
favourite articles from the first year of Nature Chemistry:
In fact, it was the only article highlighted for February! All the articles are free until the end of June, so if you haven't done so, go download it now. - 13/04/2010: Andrew was named one of thirty-one Prestige Fellows at the University of Queensland in a ceremony tonight. Unfortunately he missed the celebration due to a particularly recalcitrant toddler—such is life!
- 10/04/2010: Andrew and Gerard Milburn were both in today's wonderful Science Show on Canada's Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. As always, Robyn Williams does an incomparably good job—well worth a listen!
- 15/03/2010: Our quantum chemistry work is one of 40 featured abstracts on the images page of the American Physical Society March Meeting! This is the largest Physics conference in the world, with over 7500 presentations, 10,000 attendees, and 42 parallel sessions this morning alone. Congratulations team!
- 26/02/2010: Our paper on Experimental feedback control of quantum systems using weak measurements was published today in Physical Review Letters. Congratulations one and all ... at last!
- 10/02/2010: There's a writeup of our work at the Italian science blog Science Backstage, Calcolo fotonico. Meraviglioso!
- 03/02/2010: And today we're in the Tehran Times, Engineering the Computer of the future, one atom at a time. Hello to our Iranian readers!
- 02/02/2010: Heh. There's an article by Nick Farrell in the Inquirer, Quantum computers aim to map reality . I love the fact that they make James sound like Baldrick: "James Whitfield ... has a cunning plan".
- 01/02/2010: Charles Choi has an article in MSNBC, Quantum computer simulates molecular reality.
- 28/01/2010: Gosh, on the day Apple announces their iPad, we made Wired! Charles Petit's article Quantum Computer Simulates Hydrogen Molecule Just Right is up now in Wired Science.
- 27/01/2010: There's an article on our work in the Indian Business magazine domain-b.com, Queensland University's quantum computers make light work of Harvard's chemistry.
- 22/01/2010: A wonderful article in the US magazine Science News, by Charles Petit, Quantum computer simulates hydrogen molecule just right. The bit about calcite at the end is a bit of a long bow, but still!
- 21/01/2010: Goodness! There are articles on our Quantum Chemistry work in Chinese on cnBeta.com, 用量子计算机做大学习题, and in Israeli in the Hayadan, מחשב קוונטי לחישוב האנרגיה של מימן. Although the team speak and read seven languages between us, they don't (yet) include Mandarin or Hebrew, so we've no idea what the articles actually say!
- 20/01/2010: In the Oxford Science Blog, there's a fun interview by Pete Wilton of Jacob Biamonte, Quantum simulators & super civilisations.
- 19/01/2010: Hamish Johnston has a great article in Physics World, Quantum computer takes on quantum chemistry. The diagram is particularly nice!
- 17/01/2010: We've made the Mexican press, with an article at Milenio,
Una computadora cuántica ya hizo cálculos. Alán translated his favourite part of the
article for us:
The Australians! Wasn't that island an almost depopulated prison colony of England, when Mexico, still called New Spain, was proud of its Royal University, of scientists and researchers informed in physics and chemistry of the state of the art of the XVIII-th century?
A big cheery g'day from all us convicts to our Mexican readers! (Seriously though, our teams were funded by both the Australian and US governments, and are made up of folk from 8 nations across 4 continents: Australia, Brazil, Croatia, Iran, Italy, Mexico, the UK and the USA. Science is truly international.) - 16/01/2010: The Palestine Telegraph has run Andy Extance's article in its Panorama Section.
- 15/01/2010: Andy Extance has a great article at Chemistry World, Quantum computer hits hydrogen bullseye. What a wonderful title! However Andrew wishes to say that he didn't concede, so much as stress, that a system with 522 gates isn't currently possible...
- 14/01/2010: Science Daily cover our press release, Quantum computer calculates exact energy of molecular hydrogen.
- 13/01/2010: There's a great article today at Ars Technica by Casey Johnston, Two-qubit quantum system used to model the hydrogen molecule, and a version of one of the press releases at chemie.de, Quantum computer calculates exact energy of molecular hydrogen.
- 12/01/2010: Popsci have a nice article by Clay Dillow, Quantum Computer Successfully Calculates Exact Energy of Molecular Hydrogen.
- 12/01/2010: Here's an article with a different slant on our work, by Darren Pauli in Computerworld, Aussie quantum experiment challenges Einstein, computer science.
- 11/01/2010: There's a nice and thoughtful article today in New Scientist by Colin Barras, Quantum computers do chemistry.
- 11/01/2010: Julie Barzilay has written a great article in The Harvard Crimson, Scientists Employ Quantum Computer; there's a report based on the Harvard press release in the Harvard Gazette, Quantum (not digital) computing; and our work—wth a lovely photo of Alán— has made Harvard's main page. Nice one!
- 11/01/2010: Goodness: there are reports on our Quantum Chemistry experiment at Nanowerk, eScience News, Softpedia, Next Big Future, Innovations Report, Yahoo News, Azonano and RedOrbit.
- 11/01/2010: Well that was quick! Today's PhysOrg has an article on our recent quantum chemistry experiment: Quantum Computer Measures Energy in Molecular Hydrogen.
- 11/01/2010: Our paper on Towards quantum chemistry on a quantum computer was published today in Nature Chemistry as an Advanced Online Publication. Nice job everyone!
- 02/01/2010: The 10 Biggest Questions in Physics was broadcast today as part of Quirks and Quarks holiday offerings. Andrew hasn't had a chance to listen yet, but is bravely putting up the link anyhow... Update. Oh, that was fun! There was a pretty clear division between big questions about big things and big questions about small things...
- 01/01/2010: Happy New Year! Farewell to two-thousand-and-nine and welcome to twenty-ten.
- 19/12/2009: Stop reading this and go read Scott Aaronson's blog post, Hopefully my last D-Wave post ever. Go on, you won't be sorry!
- 16/12/2009: Alessandro's paper on Discrete Tunable Color Entanglement—done at the University of Vienna—was published today in Physical Review Letters. It's also been highlighted in a Physics Update in Physics Today. Nice one Alessandro!
- 04/12/2009: The Australian Academy of Science have awarded Andrew the 2010 Pawsey Medal for outstanding research in physics. He's deeply humbled, and very thankful to all his past and current colleagues for the chance to work with them on some really wonderful science!
- 02/12/2009: Andrew gave a Plenary today at the combined 2009 ACOLS and ACOFT conferences. It was lots of fun—hopefully the fibre-optic folk weren't too bored!
- 30/11/2009: After nearly 4 years, Benjamin Lanyon is leaving us to join Rainer Blatt as a Postdoctoral Scientist in the Institut für Experimental Physik at Universität Innsbruck. The very best of British to you Ben! We're a little unsure how we'll cope with all the extra office space and silence ... so please come back soon! (And remember, we're holding your surfboard hostage).
- 30/10/2009: Perimeter Institute has signed an agreement with the Universities of Queensland and Sydney, and Griffith University, to strengthen collaborative research in quantum foundations. Excellent, extra theorists to bother!
- 28/10/2009: Our paper on Anti-symmetrisation reveals hidden entanglement was published today in the New Journal of Physics. It's also been selected for inclusion in IOP Select— that's twice in one month! Nice work Alessandro, Marco, and Thomas!
- 20/10/2009: Ben Lanyon, or as I should now say, Doctor Ben Lanyon was awarded his PhD today. Many congratulations Ben, it is thoroughly well deserved!
- 17/10/2009: Tonight is the Canadian premiere of The Quantum Tamers, a documentary sponsored by the Perimeter Institute that features a dozen or so quantum folk from around the world, including our very own Gerard Milburn and Andrew—who are both waiting to see the film with some trepidation! Update. It was both fun and good! Whew, now for some drinks...
- 17/10/2009: For the Institute of Quantum Computing's open day, Andrew was part of a 6-person panel discussion on Quantum Information. A big thanks to Joseph Emerson for great moderation, film-clip DJ'ing and audience interaction.
- 15/10/2009: As part of the Perimeter Institute's 10th anniversary celebrations, Andrew was one of a 7-person panel discussing "Quantum to Cosmos", at the Mike Lazaridis Theatre in Waterloo. It was recorded by TVO and webcast. A big thanks to Australia's own Wilson da Silva for MC'ing, although he could have spared Andrew the "Crocodile Dundee" reference!
- 15/10/2009: Andrew was one of a 10-person panel discussing "The 10 Biggest Questions in Physics", at the Glenn Gould Theatre in Toronto. It was recorded by CBC's Quirks and Quarks—which, along with ABC's Science Show are the two longest-running science shows in at least the English-speaking world—and will be broadcast sometime in the New Year. A big thanks to Jim Handman and Bob McDonald who made the entire event a lot of fun!
- 01/10/2009: Our article on Complementarity in variable strength quantum nondemolition measurements has been selected for inclusion in IOP Select! What does this mean? Well firstly it's very nice because articles are chosen by the editors, and secondly, for the next 365 days the article is free (as in beer), so go grab it now. Kudos to Marco and the team for writing such a good paper!
- 25/09/2009: There's a nice article today in New Scientist on work by Netanel Lindner and Terry Rudolph (another UQ Alumnus!), Photon 'machine gun' could power quantum computers . A fun read, and not just because of the comments from Terry and Andrew. (Gosh, that didn' take long, it's been slash-dotted already).
- 14/09/2009: Our paper on Complementarity in variable strength quantum non-demolition measurements was published today in the New Journal of Physics.
- 04/09/2009: There's a nice article today in New Scientist on some work by Jeremy O'Brien (a QT Lab Alumnus! We should get T-shirts made), and his team at Bristol, where they have repeated our 2007 Shor's algorithm experiment, replacing the free-space circuitry with integrated-optics. There's comments from Jeremy—of course!—and also from Dan Browne and Andrew, who were authors on the two earlier Shor papers.
- 28/08/2009: There's a great article today in The Quantum Times on Quantum information for chemistry and biology by Alán Aspuru-Guzik, which is a lovely intro—and I'm not just saying that because it briefly mentions our work!
- 25/08/2009: Ross McKenzie has a blog entry on Andrew's talk today at the CQIQC III in Toronto, entertainingly titled James Bond meets Niels Bohr. Nice one Ross!
- 23/06/2009: Ben is in the news again! The Australian has an article today Local scientists' quantum leap. (See comment below about this phrase...)
- 18/06/2009: Ben Lanyon is the subject of a nice article today by Machines Like Us, "A quantum leap". (I've often wondered when people use this expression—do they realise it can refer to the smallest possible leap?). Look for the cool photo and the even cooler description of banging things!
- 24/04/2009: Our collaborator Alán Aspuru-Guzik was interviewed today in the Nature blog, The Sceptical Chymist and discussed our recent work on quantum chemistry on a quantum computer. Cool!
- 24/04/2009: Sven Ramelow, returns today to the University of Vienna, after a valiant research visit. It was lots of fun, Sven, and we hope you can come back soon!
- 27/02/2009: Our paper on Parametric downconversion and optical quantum gates: two's company, four's a crowd was published today in the Journal of Modern Optics.
- 07/02/2009: Well that went all too quickly. After a great visit, Prof. Aephraim Steinberg is returning to the University of Toronto—enjoy the spring weather Aephraim, and we'll have to get you back again soon!
- 02/02/2009: The dead-tree version of our paper on Quantum computing using shortcuts through higher dimensions appeared today in Nature Physics.
- 07/01/2009: Our paper on Experimentally generating and tuning robust entanglement between photonic qubits appeared today in the New Journal of Physics.
- 01/01/2009: Sven Ramelow, from the University of Vienna, has started a three month research visit. Welcome Sven!
- 07/12/2008: Our paper on Quantum computing using shortcuts through higher dimensions appeared online today in Nature Physics.
- 06/12/2008: Oh this is lovely. Look at the article listed immediately before ours on PhysOrg—can you believe we ranked more highly? Who knew we were more interesting than promiscuous Arts students?
- 05/12/2008: Today's PhysOrg has a nice article on our recent mixed-state quantum computing experiment: Quantum computing: Entanglement may not be necessary. Love the opening line: "It is a truth universally acknowledged that quantum computing must have entanglement."
- 01/12/2008: Matthew Broome has joined the QT Lab from the University of Warwick. Welcome Matthew!
- 13/11/2008: What a busy day! Our paper on Experimental Quantum Computing without Entanglement appeared today in Physical Review Letters.
- 13/11/2008: Our workshop on Integrated Quantum Photonics begins today at Couran Cove. Should be fun!
- 09/11/2008: Prof. Aephraim Steinberg, from the University of Toronto, has started a three month visit. Welcome Aephraim!
- 07/11/2008: Andrew has been made a Fellow of the Optical Society of America. Goodness!
- 20/10/2008: Bojan Škerlak, from ETH Zurich, has started a five month research visit. Welcome Bojan!
- 30/09/2008: Again, that just flew past! After another great visit, Dr Thomas Jennewein is returning to the University of Vienna—come back soon Thomas!
- 01/09/2008: Alessandro Fedrizzi has joined the QT Lab from the University of Vienna. Welcome Alessandro!
- 14/08/2008: Dr Thomas Jennewein from University of Vienna, begins the second of two three- month visits with the QT Lab. Welcome back Thomas!
- 13/08/2008: Marcelo—together with his former group in Brazil— has a paper today in Physical Review A on Experimental investigation of the dynamics of entanglement: Sudden death, complementarity, and continuous monitoring of the environment. Nice one Marcelo!
- 30/07/2008: After a most enjoyable 6 months with us, Dr Michael Goggin is returning to Truman State University—come back soon Mike!
- 29/06/2008: Quantum Information and Control in Queensland begins today in Palm Cove. Good physics, good folk and hopefully good weather!
- 24/06/2008: There is a write-up of our shrimp paper in Optics and Photonics Focus, Super-Vision for Mr. Shrimp.
- 20/06/2008: Andrew's profile is being featured on the front page of Nature Asia this week.
- 24/05/2008: There is a simply wonderful write-up of our shrimp paper by Andrew's favourite blogger, PZ Myers of Pharyngula fame, The superior eyes of shrimp. (And yes, he was Andrew's favourite blogger even before he wrote about our paper!)
- 23/05/2008: The New York Times reported on our shrimp paper! See A different viewpoint in the Science Section.
- 20/05/2008: Jeepers creepers! Scientific American reports again on the shrimp paper, Mantis Shrimp Has Built-In Shades.
- 19/05/2008: Well we're tickled pink that our shrimp paper has made been reported in the National Geographic, or at least their website! See, "Weird Beastie" Shrimp Have Super-Vision.
- 19/05/2008: Well that was fun! Andrew was just interviewed about the shrimp by Red Symons for ABC Melbourne's morning radio show. Best, and most unexpected, question: "What would you do if you had genital-fingers?..." :)
- 17/05/2008: Sonja's got a great interview with Bob McDonald on the Canadian radio show, Quirks and Quarks, Mantis Shrimp's Super Sight, have a listen!
- 15/05/2008: ...And now there's a Softpedia article on our shrimp vision paper, Shrimp See All Types of Polarized Light. It's nicely written, but gets the same quote wrong as the Physics World article ... hmm!
- 15/05/2008: Gosh, a lot of people are interested in shrimp. There's an article in today's Science Daily, Weird Shrimp Has Astounding Vision, a lovely and comprehensive article in today's Physics World and Optics.org (although they do get one quote wrong!), Shrimp see a polarized world, and even a report in MSNBC, Giant shrimp can see beyond the rainbow.
- 14/05/2008: There's an article on our shrimp paper in the Nature blog The Great Beyond, Shrimp's super sight (also see the Scintilla link); at The Press Association, Shrimp with super-vision revealed; at UnderwaterTimes.com, Scientists: Mantis Shrimps See Beyond The Rainbow; 'A Completely New Concept Of Polarization Vision'; at Scientific Frontline, Scientists find weird shrimp has astounding vision; and even at The Today Show, Giant shrimp can see beyond the rainbow.
- 14/05/2008: Well that's nice! Our paper on optimal polarisation vision in shrimp is the number one pick in the blog by the PLoS ONE online manager, A blog around the clock.
- 14/05/2008: Our paper on The Secret World of Shrimps: Polarisation Vision at Its Best appeared today in PLoS ONE. Weird little beasties they are!
- 20/05/2008: Jeepers creepers! Scientific American reports again on the shrimp paper, Mantis Shrimp Has Built-In Shades.
- 13/05/2008: There's a nice article in the Discover magazine blog on our shrimp paper, Freaky Shrimp Species Has Singular Sight, and in Reuters, Shrimp can see beyond the rainbow, which has also been picked up by Scientific American.
- 24/04/2008: We seem to be tickling Dave Bacon's title bone, he once again quite likes the title of one of our recent arxiv papers, this time The secret world of shrimps: polarisation vision at its best. (He also thinks it's fascinating, which again is nice!)
- 23/04/2008: Today's Nature Photonics features our qutrit-qubit experiment in a very nice Research Highlight, Higher-level control, doi:10.1038/nphoton.2008.39.
- 04/04/2008: Today's Physics Arxiv Blog has a nice discussion of our higher dimension quantum computing paper: Qutrit breakthrough brings quantum computers closer.
- 03/04/2008: Dave Bacon (aka the Quantum Pontiff) quite likes the title of our recent arxiv paper Quantum computing using shortcuts through higher dimensions. (He also likes the paper as well, which is nice!)
- 26/02/2008: Today's PhysOrg has a nice article on our qubit-qutrit experiment: Physicists Demonstrate Qubit-Qutrit Entanglement.
- 14/02/2008: Our paper on Manipulating Biphotonic Qutrits appeared today in Physical Review Letters: who said scientists aren't romantic?
- 03/01/2008: Dr Michael Goggin from Truman State University, has started a six-month sabbatical with the QT Lab, hot on the heels from one with Prof. Paul Kwiat at Illinois. Welcome Mike!
- 19/12/2007: Happy Eid ul-Adha! Our paper on Experimental demonstration of Shor's algorithm with quantum entanglement appeared today in Physical Review Letters.
- 15/12/2007: Despite what you may read, quantum computing will not enable anyone to transmit information faster than the speed of light. You can find an overview of our experiment and its possible implications at here.
- 14/12/2007: ZDNet in Asia and Australia have an article our on Shor's experiment. Some corrections: it's more correct to say that the information needed to describe n entangled qubits grows exponentially, not the number of states; and we are funded in part by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, IARPA, not by DARPA. It's easy to see how these things can get confused!
- 14/12/2007: Cool! Our work our Shor's experiment made it into Neatorama!
- 11/12/2007: Today's PhysOrg has a nice article on our Shor's experiment: Physicists perform the first ever quantum calculation.
- 8/12/2007: There's a nice article by Davide Castelvecchi on our Shor's experiment in today's Science News.
- 30/11/2007: An article has appeared in today's Innovations Report on our forthcoming Physical Review Letter on an Experimental demonstration of Shor's algorithm with quantum entanglement.
- 17/10/2007: Happy International Dadaism month! Marco's paper on Effects of frequency correlation in linear optical entangling gate operated with independent photons appeared today in Physical Review A.
- 30/09/2007: Well that just flew! After a 3 month visit, Dr Dr Thomas Jennewein is returning to the University of Vienna. See you next year Thomas!
- 26/9/2007: Great news! Our Discovery Project on "Biomolecular optoelectronic materials and devices" has been funded by the Australian Research Council. Roll on cold black photon counters!
- 18/9/2007: Gosh, more coverage! There's an article about our paper on Shor's algorithm in today's Brisbane Times, Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. As we say below, our experiment is interesting in that it demonstrates every stage of Shor's algorithm, particularly the entangling step. It is not scalable in itself, but there is a in- principle path to scalability which we and our colleagues are investigating to see if and when that's going to be feasible. As Ben Lanyon says "it was incredibly hard to do" ... so RSA Security don't need to worry just yet!
- 14/9/2007: Despite the title of today's Ars Technica article, we'd just like to make it clear that we have never burnt through any graduate students, although we have on occasion fed them too much coffee. (Indeed, working in a dark lab we try not to let our researchers near bright light, get them wet, and most importantly, never feed them after midnight...)
- 14/9/2007: The Register in the UK have a slightly breathless view of our Shor's paper. Our work does not pose a threat to current, everyday, cryptography, since the time scale for such quantum computation is closer to decades than months, and may not even be based on our research! It's just too early to tell for sure. You only need to worry about quantum computation today if you are prime-number encrypting and publicly sending messages that you still want to be secret 20 years from now (i.e. you are paranoid or a government ... ahem.) On the other hand, this is the first time our work has been directly compared to a James Bond film ...
- 13/9/2007: Well that didn't take long! Slashdot covers the New Scientist article which covers our arXiv paper which is still with the referees...
- 13/9/2007: In today's New Scientist there is an article, Quantum threat to our secret data, prompted in part by our recent arXiv paper, Experimental demonstration of Shor's algorithm with quantum entanglement. It's probably far too soon to talk about threats! What's interesting is that our experiment demonstrated every stage of Shor's algorithm. It is not scalable in itself, but there is a in-principle path to scalability which we and our colleagues are investigating to see if and when that's going to be feasible.
- 12/9/2007: There's a nice write-up of our work in today's New Scientist blog, How a quantum computer factorises numbers, which says "Today, New Scientist reveals details of a device that may go down in history as the forerunner of the quantum computer." Gosh!
- 20/7/2007: After a successful (and amazingly quick) year, Devon Biggerstaff has finished his Fulbright and is starting a Masters with Kevin Resch at the University of Waterloo. Good luck Devon, and come back soon!
- 30/06/2007: Dr Thomas Jennewein from University of Vienna, begins the first of two three- month visits with the QT Lab. Welcome Thomas!
- 15/6/2007: Happy Magna Carta Day! In PhysOrg today there's a nice interview with Kevin Resch, Super resolution phase measurements – without entanglement.
- 31/5/2007: Happy Vesak! Our paper on Time-Reversal and Super-Resolving Phase Measurements appeared today in Physical Review Letters.
- 16/5/2007: Happy Dunghri Mela! Our paper on Entanglement Generation by Fock-State Filtration appeared today in Physical Review Letters.
- 4/5/2007: After 5 fabulous years, Doctor Nathan Langford (sounds great doesn't it Nathan!) is leaving us to work as a Postdoctoral Scientist at the University of Vienna. Good luck Nathan, and thank you for all the fun!
- 13/3/2007: Wonderful news today - after competitive review, the Australian Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computer Technology has been renewed until the end of 2010!
- 14/2/2007: Happy Valentine's Day! Devon Biggerstaff is one of 5 Fulbright scholars at UQ this year - a record for an Australian university.
- 26/1/2007: Happy Australia Day! Our paper on Measuring two-qubit gates appeared today in the Journal of the Optical Society of America B.
- 11/1/2007: Happy New Year! Our paper on a Source of triggered entangled photon pairs? appeared today in Nature.
- 28/11/2006: Marcelo Pereira de Almeida has joined the QT Lab from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Welcome Marcelo!
- 7/11/2006: Marco Barbieri has joined the QT Lab from the University of Rome "La Sapienza". Welcome Marco!
- 11/10/2006: We've received an Australian Research Council International Fellowship for Dr Thomas Jennewein to join us from the University of Vienna for 6 months. Great news!
- 3/10/2006: Cool! There's a nice article about Devon and his work in today's Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.
- 2/10/2006: Susan Grantham has joined the QT Lab as our new Laboratory Administrator. This is great news both for us, and any of our collaborators who suffered through our previous attempts at admin. Welcome Susan!
- 25/8/2006: After 1½ years, Kevin Resch is leaving us to start his own laboratory at the Institute for Quantum Computing and the University of Waterloo. Congratulations Kevin, and have fun with all your new toys!
- 28/7/2006: Devon Biggerstaff has joined the QT Lab. Welcome Devon!
- 23/6/2006: We're advertising 3 more Postdoctoral Fellow positions. Please contact us if you are interested!
- 11/5/2006: Andrew has been awarded one of twenty-five Australian Research Council Federation Fellowships. This is great news - it allows us to establish a research program in Integrated Quantum Photonics, to make optical quantum information technology more robust and better performing.
- 30/3/2006: After 4½ years, Jeremy O'Brien is leaving us to start his own laboratory at the University of Bristol. Congratulations Jeremy, and have fun setting up in the UK!
- 28/2/2006: Ben Lanyon has joined the QT Lab. Welcome Ben!
- 6/2/2006: After 4 years, Geoff Pryde is leaving us to start his own laboratory at Griffith University. Congratulations Geoff, now the fun begins anew!
- 20/1/2006: We received a generous International Science Linkage grant from the Department of Education, Science, and Training for our project on Optical Quantum Computing.
- 9/12/2005: Nathan Langford has been awarded the 2006 Optical Society of America Prize for best Student Presentation at the Australian Conference on Optics, Lasers, and Spectroscopy. Congratulations Nathan!
- 7/12/2005: Work by Nathan Langford done during two visits to our collaborators at the University of Illinois has been listed in the Top 25 Physics Stories for 2005. Congratulations Nathan, Julio, Paul and the gang!
- 18/11/2005: Our paper on Demonstration of a Simple Entangling Optical Gate and Its Use in Bell-State Analysis was published in Physical Review Letters.
- 12/11/2005: Our paper on Study of optical properties of electropolymerized melanin films by photopyroelectric spectroscopy was published in European Biophysics Journal.
- 28/9/2005: Rohan Dalton and Till Weinhold have both been awarded University of Queensland Confirmation Scholarships. Congratulations Rohan and Till!
- 12/8/2005: Another good day! Jeremy O'Brien and Geoffrey Pryde were promoted by the University of Queensland to Senior Research Fellows. Congratulations Jeremy and Geoff!
- 4/8/2005: Our paper on Determination of thermal and optical parameters of melanins by photopyroelectric spectroscopy was published in Applied Physics Letters.
- 18/7/2005: Our reply to a comment on our QND paper has been published in Physical Review Letters.
- 10/6/2005: A good day! Our papers on Measurement of Quantum Weak Values of Photon Polarisation and Demonstrating Superior Discrimination of Locally Prepared States Using Nonlocal Measurements were both published in Physical Review Letters.
- 9/6/2005: Our paper on High-fidelityZ-measurement error encoding of optical qubits was published in Physical Review A.
- 7/5/2005: Robyn Williams has done a nice piece on Quantum Computing on the Science Show. Includes chats with Michelle Simmons and Andrew. (Begins ~30 mins through the podcast).
- 7/4/2005: Kevin Resch has joined the QT Lab. Welcome Kevin!
- 17/3/2005: An article in today's Courier Mail highlights that it is 100 years today since Einstein's seminal paper on the photoelectric effect was published.
- 13/3/2005: Einstein in the pub! Come along to the GPO Bar today and debate the topic "Einstein: Person of the 20th century or overrated?". Photos here.
- 4/2/2005: Robert Prevedel is visiting us for 6 months from Anton Zeilinger's group in Vienna. Welcome Robert!
- 1/1/2005: First day of the International Year of Physics. Have fun!
- 1/12/2004: Our paper on Laser frequency locking by direct measurement of detuning has been published in Optics Letters.
- 22/11/2004: Duncan McKimm has written an introductory article on Quantum entanglement for the general public at ABC Science.
- 17/11/2004: We've received a three-year Australian Research Council Discovery Grant to investigate Controlling quantum technologies.
- 24/9/2004: Andrew has won a University of Queensland Foundation Research Excellence Award for the QT Lab project on Quantum Holography (video). Cool - now we can play with spatial light modulators!
- 23/9/2004: The UQ Physics Postgraduate Days start today. We have a number of projects on offer, please contact us for more details and further information.
- 20/8/2004: Our paper on Quantum Process Tomography of a Controlled-NOT Gate has been published in Physical Review Letters.
- 30/7/2004: Our paper on Entangled qutrits: production and characterisation has been published in Physical Review Letters.
- 2/6/2004: An article discussing our QND paper, below, has been published at physorg.com.
- 14/5/2004: Our paper on Measuring a photonic qubit without destroying it has been published in Physical Review Letters.
- 5/2/2004: Damian Pope has a nice article discussing our research Quantum Leap for Computing, in the January/February edition of Australasian Science. Check it out!
- 5/1/2004: Rohan Dalton and Till Weinhold have been awarded School of Physical Sciences Research Scholarships. Congratulations Rohan and Till!
- Nov 2003: Some information on our CNOT gate, including a list of media reports.
- 20/11/2003: Our paper on Demonstration of an all-optical quantum controlled-NOT gate has been published in Nature.
- 20/11/2003: Damian Pope has a great article in today's Australasian Science that discusses our recent results, What Makes a Quantum Computer Tick.
- 01/11/2001: Whoa, wasn't expecting that! Andrew is thanked for discussions by Paul Davies in his new book that came out today, How to build a time machine (Allen Lane/Penguin, ISBN: 0713995831.
- 01/08/2000: In today's Photonics Spectra, Daniel Burgess has an article on our recent quantum cryptography research with Paul and co at Los Alamos, Secretive Photons Create Unbreakable Codes. Go check it out!
- 02/05/2000: Oh this is cool: our quantum cryptography research with the Los Alamos team is in today's New York Times! Check out the nice article by James Glanz, In the Quantum World, Keys to New Codes.
- 24/04/2000: Today's Bulletin of Physics from the American Institute of Physics has a Physics News Update on our work with Devang Naik, Charles Peterson, Andrew Berglund, and Paul Kwiat at Los Alamos National Lab, Exploiting quantum "spookiness" to create secret codes. Congrats one and all: it's great to have a fun project in the news!
- Nov 1999: Beginning the construction of the first Quantum Technology Lab.
The old wood-working shop:

Yep, that's a floor:

Lab this side, work shop that side:

The start of the reincarnation of the red hardwood floor from unappreciated workshop surface to polished display floor in a refurbished house. Reduce, reuse, recycle!

Some hours later, almost done...

... except, oh look, several tonnes of rough concrete that needs to be removed by hand ... that's a surprise!

Some days later, several tonnes of rough concrete ready to be trucked away.