Y1. Mechanics and Thermal Physics

This course is an introduction to kinematics, dynamics, momentum and energy, rigid body rotation, elasticity and fluids, oscillations, and thermodynamics. This is the first semester "mainstream physics" course for students wishing to complete a BSc focussing on physics; or for students in other disciplines (e.g. biology, law, teaching) who wish to have a thorough grounding in physics.
PH144, Semester 1 Lectures & Lab, 2000.
PHYS1001: Semester 1 Lab, 2000, 2001–03; Semester 1 Lectures, 2001–07 & 2015–25.

Y1. Electromagnetism and Modern Physics

An introduction to 20th and 21st century physics, and its place as the basis of much of modern technology. The content includes electromagnetism from which photonic and RF/microwave communications were developed; relativity required for GPS navigation; and quantum physics critical for lasers and semiconductors, and hence computers and many other technologies. PHYS1002 is a core physics course for entry to second level physics.
PH145, Semester 2 Lectures, 2000
PHYS1002, Semester 2 Lab, 2003

Y2. Physics of Fields

Introduction to field theory in physics. Topics include an overview of classical field theories, the mathematical description of field theories, and a detailed coverage of gravitational, thermal, electromagnetic fields—including Maxwell's equations—optics, fluid flow—including Navier-Stokes equations—and magnetohydrodynamics.
PHYS2055, Semester 1 Lab, 2009
PHYS2055, Semester 1 Lectures & Lab, 2015–16
PHYS2055, Semester 1 Lectures, 2017–21; Guest lecture in 2022

Y2. Thermodynamics and Condensed Matter Physics

Theoretical understanding of general properties of macroscopic sized material systems that apply irrespective of the detailed behaviour of microscopic particles constituting the system. Understanding of matter in condensed (liquid or solid) states.
PH2020, Semester 1 Lab, 2009

Y2. Quantum Physics

Experimental basis & general features of quantum physics. Selected topics from atomic, nuclear & solid state physics; laboratory experiments crucial to the development of modern physics.
PHYS2041, Semester 2 Lab, 2002–05
PHYS2041, Semester 2 Lab, 2007–08

Y2. Optical Physics

Wide range of diffraction & interference situations; wave motions satisfying boundary conditions. Laboratory work in physical optics including illustration & use principles of interference & diffraction of light using incoherent & coherent (laser) sources.
PH272, Semester 2 Lab, 1999
PHYS2090, Semester 1 Lab, 2002–08

Y2. Introductory Biophysics

Introduction to biophysics for students interested in either physical or biological sciences. Introductory physiology. Molecular biophysics including cells, macromolecules, proteins, enzymes etc. combining an enhanced understanding of the physics principles involved. Application of new research techniques & most recent advances in the field.
PHYS2170, Semester 2 Lectures & Lab, 2002–08

Y2. Experimental Modern & Optical Physics

This is a laboratory course which not only illustrates principles of modern physics and physical optics, but also illustrates general laboratory techniques such as data acquisition, data reduction, graph drawing, linear regression fitting of straight lines to reduced data, error analysis and report writing.
PH282, Semester 2 Lab, 2000
PHYS2820, Semester 2 Lab, 2001

Y3. Advanced Biophysics

Intermediate biophysics for either physical or biological sciences students. Taught jointly with the School of Biomedical Sciences. Further investigation of the physical principles of molecular and cellular biophysics (enzymes to cells), and of coupled biological systems (population models).
PHYS3170, Semester 2 Lectures, 2003–05

Y2. Principles of Sensor Technology

On completion of this subject the student will have understanding of sensors and the concepts of physics required to describe them. Specific emphasis will be placed on new types of sensors. The student is expected to be able to solve analytical and numerical problems. The central concepts are: An Introduction to Sensor Technology, Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical and Optical Sensors, and Integrated Sensor Systems (such as Scanning Tunnelling Microscopes and the Global Positioning System).
PH208, Semester 2 Lectures, 2000
PHYS2180, Semester 2 Lectures, 2001–2

Y4. Laser Physics

Physics of light-atom interactions including: stimulated and spontaneous emission; coherent effects; laser behaviour and applications; atomic and molecular spectroscopy; nonlinear optics; field propagation in free-space and guiding structures; detectors; semiclassical models of atom-light interactions, including rate equations. Tutorials include demonstration sessions with a range of lasers operating in the department.
PHYS4060, Semester 1 Lectures, 2001
PHYS4060, Semester 2 Lectures, 2003–04, 2006

Y4. Techniques of Experimental Physics & Data Analysis

Techniques of experimental design and data analysis for physics. Statistical techniques and their application to data (including errors and sampling). Transform analysis of linear systems (e.g. Fourier and wavelet) and key applications. Aspects of experimental technologies: design of mechanical systems; properties of special materials; vacuum technique; detection of radiation. Case studies of experimental design. These techniques are broad in application, and transferable to any field utilising sophisticated measurement technology, e.g. astronomy, biophysics or engineering.
PHYS4072, Semester 2 Lectures, 2005, 2007